[ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OWNER - Terri Pattio] Anyone that requests to join Syndication Express must use their real name and it's recommend that you put an acceptable profile picture/logo up for branding. This is a social media platform for bloggers, article writers and authors. Your blog posts will be shared automatically on TOP social media sites giving you massive exposure and viral traffic. Additionally community members are encouraged to read, comment and share network members blog posts to the various social media and bookmarking sites for SEO purposes. When each member shares the blog posts published here, they will receive branding online, more exposure for the blog posts, social signals for the blog posts, one way backlinks for SEO and targeted traffic.

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Susan Ream posted blog posts
Jan 14, 2020
Susan Ream commented on Judy Garcia's blog post What Is Diabetes?
"My daughter is getting retested because her fasting blood sugar level was high.  She did have gestational diabetes with her last two pregnancies and she knew she was likely to develop diabetes.  She's only in her early 30's ... hopefully she'll get…"
Jun 15, 2013
Susan Ream commented on Dustin Grant's blog post Juice Recipes For Weight Loss
"I like your recipe here - I use the bullet and make all kinds on concoctions. Juicing is healthy and detox is important. 
Thanks for sharing .. I'll check out your website!"
Apr 30, 2013
Susan Ream commented on Susan Ream's blog post A New Journey - Taking the Plunge
"tish, yes she's proven to be a woman of character and also a very successful entrepreneur who has led her team to success.  I'm blessed to have had her invite me.
Thanks tish - your comments are so uplifting and filled with such encouragement.…"
Apr 25, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for tish
"tish, you certainly possess not only a strong and determined nature but your sweet (feminine) heart comes through .. clearly seen in your beautiful uplifting comment to me.  You are gonna make it girlfriend!  Keep us all up on the latest.  Praying…"
Apr 25, 2013
Susan Ream commented on Susan Ream's blog post ARE YOU AN INFLUENCER
"Once again I am lifted by your words and so encouraged.  Mike, appreciate the insight - "Once I have developed the skill I can transfer it to any business and become successful."  I am hoping to transfer the skill to those in my group as one of my…"
Apr 24, 2013
Susan Ream commented on Susan Ream's blog post ARE YOU AN INFLUENCER
"I am overwhelmed by your kind and supportive comments. Dustin, personal development does help people in ALL areas of life because each of us has a circle of influence; Those we touch for good, bad or indifferent. Dr. Salvato - you've interpreted my…"
Apr 23, 2013
Susan Ream commented on Susan Ream's blog post A New Journey - Taking the Plunge
"Thank you Merle, I appreciate the shares - such a blessing! "
Apr 23, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for Timothy Eller
"Thanks Tim,  Look forward to knowing you better!"
Apr 23, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for Chris T Atkinson
"Thanks for the request Chris, I look forward to learning about you and what you represent!"
Apr 23, 2013
Susan Ream commented on Susan Ream's blog post A New Journey - Taking the Plunge
"Thank you Carolyn and Terri,  I really really appreciate the support!  I'm excited and nervous and full of dreams and possibilities.  Susan"
Apr 20, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for Julie Klein
"Welcome Julie,  I am pretty 'green' myself about this site but look forward to getting more involved.  Life 'happens' sometimes and mine has limited me of late.  God Bless! "
Apr 2, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for Christine Smith Forsythe
"Hi Christine ... thanks for the welcome!  "
Feb 16, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for Timothy Eller
"Nice to meet you too Timothy .. thanks for the welcome!"
Feb 16, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for Joan Harrington
"Hi Joan, thanks for the special welcome .. Blessings!"
Feb 16, 2013
Susan Ream left a comment for Terri Pattio
"Thanks for the warm welcome Terri!  Look forward to learning more about your site and the purpose of it.  God Bless YOU!"
Feb 16, 2013