[ANNOUNCEMENT FROM OWNER - Terri Pattio] Anyone that requests to join Syndication Express must use their real name and it's recommend that you put an acceptable profile picture/logo up for branding. This is a social media platform for bloggers, article writers and authors. Your blog posts will be shared automatically on TOP social media sites giving you massive exposure and viral traffic. Additionally community members are encouraged to read, comment and share network members blog posts to the various social media and bookmarking sites for SEO purposes. When each member shares the blog posts published here, they will receive branding online, more exposure for the blog posts, social signals for the blog posts, one way backlinks for SEO and targeted traffic.

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Your banner ads will get exposure every time someone visits your profile and the Syndication Express home page. Members and non-members are visiting the SE blogging platform.

Camille Cameron commented on Terri Pattio's video
"Thank you Terri I will be back soon with my blog, and I know this information will give me value."
May 11, 2024
Camille Cameron commented on Terri Pattio's video
"I found the video to be valuable and helpful in building my traffic."
Apr 25, 2024
Camille Cameron liked Terri Pattio's video
Apr 25, 2024
Camille Cameron posted a blog post
"Life is a precious gift; it is far too short to waste on idle pursuits and endless planning without taking action." David J. Schwartz - Trainer and Author.Life is a precious gift, and it is far too short to waste it on idle pursuits and endless…
Jul 9, 2023
Camille Cameron posted a blog post
Wayne Dyer quote, " When we dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It is to enjoy each step along the way.
This quote resonated with me because it reminds me that it's essential to appreciate the journey and savor the…
Jul 5, 2023
Camille Cameron commented on Camille Cameron's article Walking in Silence.
"Hello George,
Thank you, George, for your feedback. We truly need to value silence, and I stay aware of it daily. Best wishes, George.
Jul 4, 2023
Camille Cameron commented on Camille Cameron's article Walking in Silence.
"Hello Dennis,
I appreciate and enjoyed your thoughts on silence, something human beings take for granted, and it is one of our most valuable tools. Best wishes to you, Dennis.
Jul 4, 2023
Camille Cameron published an article
Silence should become an integrated part of daily life. At least five minutes can change a day's outcome. It allows one to reflect on their experiences and gain perspective and clarity. Taking this time for yourself can restore energy and mental…
Jul 3, 2023
Camille Cameron posted a status
Hello to all my fellow associates. It has been a while since I posted. As a result of this forum, I have learned how to grow my social network significantly. I am eager to continue my journey and see what more I can gain from this fantastic…
Jul 3, 2023
Camille Cameron shared their video on Facebook
Jul 14, 2022
Camille Cameron updated their profile
Jan 2, 2022
Camille Cameron and Anthuwin Cupido are now friends
Jan 11, 2021
Camille Cameron commented on Grant Rayner's blog post Guard Your Mind
"Hello Grant,
Your views on this time we are all experiencing are well expressed. Covid has brought us to a space, where we all have enough time to examine who, and what part do we play on this planet and our respect for nature and the elements.…"
Dec 1, 2020
Camille Cameron commented on Robin Robinson's article Choosing A Home Based Business Opportunity
"Very Valuable information Robin as marketers we always need help on occasions. Thank you for sharing and lots of success."
Mar 5, 2020
Camille Cameron commented on Terri Pattio's blog post SEO - Link Building and Backlinks
"Thank you so much, Terri this info. is very valuable. I now understand Anchor Text lots of clarity. Much increase and prosperity to you, keep helping us grow our business a very kind act. Have a phenomenal day."
Mar 4, 2020
Camille Cameron published an article
For many years being a marketer in some form or the other, I can recall from very young my entrepreneurship started at the early age of 14 by designing clothing and making them on my mother"s sewing machine. I recall in the mid-seventies the…
Mar 3, 2020