Susan Boston's Posts (295)

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What Are Our Rights

constitutaional toliet paper pic

What are our rights? Do you know? Does most Americans even know? Sure, we know about our Bill of Rights but do people actually read them? Do we just assume that we are afforded our rights by the Government?

Doesn't it seem reasonable with something so important as our Freedom we should have a better understanding of the rights our forefathers fought and died for? Shouldn't we in our infinite wisdom and understanding accept the fact that some of the rights are not as popular as other rights yet are still just as important.

Examples of this are using cell phones in our cars, wearing of seat belts, the right to bare arms and recently the newest of invasions of privacy; the News Story that broke from Edward Snowden...

How far? How far does it have to go before it's crossing a line into invasion of privacy? How far over the line is it to taking our rights away? Once that door is opened even a crack it will bust wide open. It will not stop with just listening into your phone calls or your email.

There is another story of interest along these lines that just came out about New Jersey talking about a ruling that if you have an accident that the police can confiscate your phone, go all through that phone to see if you were sending someone a text message. They can take your phone without a warrant no questions asked.

Where does this all stop? How does this all stop? Can it be stopped?

The answer is yes it can but it will have to be a united effort from us as Americans. You must look past what you personally feel is the (right thing to do) and start looking at the situation from the (personal rights and legality) side.

Personal feeling will have to be put aside in many cases to do this. I say this because there are some extremely hot issue concerning personal rights. These issues divide a country into those looking at rights and those looking at emotion.

Put your personal emotion away pull out your passion for human rights.

Share this post help us Unite our effort to take back our rights! It's time we stop the handful from making decisions for the masses.

It's time we revived this country to what our FOREFATHERS saw in their visions.

Call your Governmental Officials in your voting districts, write them, email them, let them know it's time they took what is good for the masses to the White House and stop cowering down to what a handful of people in higher places thinks is best!


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Does Marketing Frustrate You?

Does Marketing Frustrate You?

success susanjbo

The Jones syndrome, have you ever heard of it? There's an old saying, "They are just trying to keep up with the Jones-es" Meaning a person trying to keep up with those that have a little or a lot more than they do.

This happens a lot in marketing. There are those out there doing marketing wanting what the next guy has because they think it's better.

You might call this "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome as well.

Do you try and gauge your success by others success or what others have; if you do then you need to stop this right now.

You cannot judge what you do by others. The determining factors of success differs between you and other people. Each person in marketing is different just as fingerprints are different.

You can't take the finger print of someone else and determine who you are or how much you should make.

You can also not assume you should be at the same level as another marketer because you've been in the business the same amount of time or longer than them.

We all move at different paces, we learn differently and we relate to others in different ways.

So stop beating yourself up. The only rule of thumb you can really judge your success by is this:

  • If you are moving forward your a success
  • If you are moving backward even you are a success
  • If you are NOT moving at all you have failed.

Look not at what others have, look not at what you don't have, just watch the road ahead and keep moving.


If you have enjoyed this please share it.

If you would please pop in at my fan page and like it for me click here, to help me out thanks!

Thank you,

Susan J. Boston


Skype: susanjboston

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

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You Can Change

You Can Change

change is little girl

You can change but will you? Will you step out? Will you leave your comfort zone? Will you become a small fish in a big pond, rather than a big fish in a small pond to get where you want to be?

Will you give up today what you are, in order to become what you could be tomorrow?

Face it the quote:


It is true, it is honest, it is what will happen. This is not just some over done topical thought with no depth as many people seem to think.

You can not remain who you are and expect to be who you could be, you must grow and expand or get stagnated in your personal grown and development.

Of the many rights that seem to be taken away day by day, year to year in our new found world of self-serving politicians and big brother knows best government. What can't be taken is...

Your right to grow and expand the only one that can take this away from you...


Now the question is:

Are you ready to change? Do you want to give up what you are to become what you can be?

I am hear to help you do just that with a business that's not only legitimate but is one of the most respected companies on the internet.

If you are interested click here!

If you enjoyed this post please share.

Susan J Boton

Skype: susanjboston

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

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Career Choice Yours Maybe Wrong

Career Choice Yours Maybe Wrong


Career choice is a very important matter. This is not only for those in college but those thinking about a home-based business as well.

The Home Business that you choose is your career choice. It is what you will be doing with your life and it is as well a strategical undertaking.

It will require skills even though it may or may not be connected to organized schooling.

Career Choice 

Your career choice must feel right to you. It must be something that you can do for a life time and never tire of doing it.

It doesn't matter if you best friend in the world is into a business and wants you in if that business doesn't feel right to you don't do it. You will not succeed and even if you do...

You will be miserable. If you are going to work at something that makes you miserable then you may as well stay with that job you hate so bad!

Working from home should be pleasurable not something you dread.

Always let your spirit guide you. Listen to the gut feeling telling you when something is or is not right for you. Resist the pressure from well meaning people trying to enlist you into their businesses.

However, make sure it is your Spiritual gut feeling that's talking and not just your Fear of something new. There are times that fear will disguise it's self as that gut feeling setting up a defense mechanism.

Look at what others have in the way of businesses then decide for yourself if it's right for you or not.

I would like for you to look at what I do, make your own decision if this is for you or not. If it's not, that's great and if it is that's great too, I will be happy to help you grow and achieve your goals.

Click here now.

If you enjoyed this post please share.

Susan J. Boston

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

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Amazingly Woman Changes After 39 Years

Amazingly Woman Changes After 39 Years

the bad habits

Changes in habits redefines our whole world. Our habits direct our lives in the direction of the path our habits are headed.

I'll get to the woman that changed in a minute first lets talk about changes.

Bad habits lead us down the wrong path, good habits lead us down the good path. The catch is...

(We) choose the path in which we travel because habits can't choose for us they just guide us after (We) have made the choice.

Have you ever heard the old saying, "so-in-so got dropped like a bad habit?" If you think about it the bad habits last longer normally than the good ones.

Why is it that we tend to drop good habits so easily like, exercising, eating right, and so on and yet the bad ones we hang onto like life it's self.

Am I right?

There are times that we hang onto them because it's just simpler, others times because we are self indulgent and don't want to not have something we want, other times it's an addiction.

If you don't change your habits then your future goes on in the direction of that habit you choose to hang onto.

If you don't eat right or you are not exercising most likely you will gain weight and get out of shape. If you don't change the way you work your business choosing good habits...

You will fail.

Now as promised about the woman that changes after 39 years. Last night she totally cleaned the nicotine off her walls. (what a horrible mess that was)

She clean and scrubbed her house to rid her house of the smoke of 39 years of smoking.

You see this woman realized after 39 years that her future would always be the same unless she did something.

She couldn't breath right, she coughed constantly and always felt tired and ran down. This was going to be her future because she had the habit of smoking cigarettes.

She knew that you can't change  your future if you continue with the same habits.

Therefore, the answer was if she couldn't change the future the way she was going then she could surely change the habit that was causing the future to be so bleak.

She stopped smoking cigarettes. She's not supper woman so she has had help. She went to the electronic cigarettes that emit no smoke, smell,or tar.

Cutting out the real cigarettes has taken 4000 different toxic additives that are in real cigarettes out of her body.

She is feeling wonderful, stopped coughing, she has energy, she can smell again and taste, she doesn't smell like smoke and neither does her house. All because she changed one habit.

Do you have a habit that you need to change because you don't like the way your future looks? If you don't like the way your life is going;

I am here to tell you that you can't change the future until you change the habit that's holding you back, be it in your health or your business.

You can do it! I have faith in you.

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Eat Healthy Lose Weight

Eat Healthy Lose Weight

eat healthy

What do they have in common?

  eat healthy

Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It's the same with apples! (

You do not have to go on some crash diet to lose weight or be healthy. Changing your life style to where you walk more and eat better is all you need to do.

This isn't near as intimidating as thinking about dieting thus, most people could do this very easily if they would just do it.

Even small things can help. If you drink soda or any kind of sugar type drinks replacing even one per day with water will help your body out and make you feel better as well.

If you are a Chocolate Lover (like me) substituent your candy bar or what ever fashion you eat your chocolate in with a lower calorie chocolate treat. You could eat a jello pudding that's lower fat and sugar content.

Eat plenty of veggies you can take that even farther and snack on celery since you will burn more calories when you eat the celery than you will consume in the celery that's a win/win! (Known as negative calories)

If you are a fruit lover have an Apple for the same calorie negative effect and enjoy!

You don't have to be a total health nut to want to better yourself. Changing a few things can mean so much to your body. If you are one of the health conscience people that care then here is a free book just for you...

Get "Your" FREE Book Here!

I hope you enjoy your free book! If by some chance you want to change the way you work by staying home and working then check this out...

Tell me more...

This is what I have done full time for the last 5 years

staying home and working full time right from my home office.



Enjoy your food, be healthy,

Work at home be wealthy.

Above it all be Happy!

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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I Blog Because I'm a know it all!

I blog Because I'm a Know it All!

I'm a know it all. I know this because my husband tells me over and over and

God KNOWS he's always right. Just ask him! :)

a know it all

Do you blog because you are a know it all too, or do you blog to help others? Did you know that you can make money with your blog?

It's true you can in several different ways. If your blog is popular and has a large following you can sell ad space and place ads for others in your widget area.

You can sell merchandise on your blog. You can write a book to put on your blog and sell. You can even charge others for teaching "Them" how to build a blog.

Do you do something unique, special or is there something you do very well? If so you can blog about it and show others by teaching them how to do it too.

Blogging is simple and it's fun. You build wonderful relationships through blogging so pass this art on to your friends teach them to blog as well.

There is a company that will let you build all the blogs you want with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Not only do they host the blogs for you with unlimited band-width, superior support and the best tools out there anywhere. You get the tools for free.

You can also have your own unique URL for each blog with out having to pay for it!

Interested yet?

What if I told you that this company will host for as little as 3.95 per month? There are several different membership levels so, you can choose what is right for your budget.

Check it out here!

Make your blog the best and do it for less!

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Success Factors For Internet Marketers

Success Factors For Internet Marketers

Failure isn't an option, this statement is your first defense against marketing failure. Take the possibility of failing off the table in the beginning.

When you do this it is no longer a factor in your business plan.

Without failures you would never know how sweet success is you would surely learn to take it for granted. Pick yourself up and fight like there is no tomorrow for there truly isn't there is only this moment.

You win your battles one moment at a time, you make your success one moment at a time. Never get ahead of yourself because of impatience. If you put your cart before your horse your buggy doesn't move at all.

If you try to do all things by yourself or do to much before you learn your craft then like the buggy your business will not move and you will not succeed.

Success factors are not things that just happen you make them happen. What are success factors...

  • Belief in yourself
  • A plan of action
  • Taking that action
  • Ignoring any negativity
  • Never quitting

These 5 points sum up quite nicely the total concept of the success factors. There is a good possibility that you have heard these points more than one time. Question is did you listen? Did you implement then into your life?

Remember back in the beginning we took failure off the table therefore, you no longer need that word in your vocabulary. Where you are concerned there is not even a definition of this word because this word for you does not exist.

Always ignore the negative around you and embrace the positive.

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.


Have a great day and walk with positivity!

Susan Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Why Create a Product?

Create a product

You create a product to make money and a lot of it. If you will notice most of the marketers that are pulling in six-figure incomes are the ones that have their own products to sell or even give away.

What will stop many people is not knowing how to create their own products or might think it's just to hard to do. This is why I am offering you my book "Easy Product Creation" to help you plot your course to the big money.


Look into the world of product creation see if this is something you want to do, see how simple it really is then check out all the major marketers and you will see this IS what they do and make big money in the process.

You can create a product in your spare time or you can even work on it as your own business for resale or give it away. There are no limits.

Never feel like you have no value to give others because you do you are unique, you know things that others don't but want to know.

Do NOT short sell yourself on your abilities shooting yourself down before you even get off the ground.

Locked away in your mind and experiences there is a goal mind of wealth for you monetarily and a goal mind of information for those that learn from you.

Take what you know and run with it, share it, teach others and make a difference in your life and theirs you owe the world at least that much.

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

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Do You Have Plenty of New Leads?

Do You Have Plenty of New Leads?

new le

New leads, something that every business owner wants and needs yet it's the hardest part of your business.

Does your messages seem to be like trying to reach someone by throwing out a bottle with a message in it? Doesn't it seem sometimes like that would work better than what your doing?

You have to do things different than everyone else if you want to be noticed. What should you do? Well, honestly I don't know that's for you to come up with what I do know...

Is that it must be something that is new or that not everyone is doing. You need to stick to doing that until it works for you.

You need to test the things you send out to see what is working and what's not then, you get rid of the stuff that's not working and keep what is working.

I did find something that is working very well for me, as a matter of fact I was rather shocked when I opened my page showing prospects and there was so many...

That I had to scroll down half the page to see them all. Shocker yes? It's true, plus I had two that did an upgrade that I didn't even have time to talk to about the app. They just did it on their own. Click here to get that app! It's free!

Working on line isn't really hard it's just hard work. Nothing that we do in a days time really is considered hard however, we have to work it constantly and that is the hard part.

Have you ever said to yourself, "Well if I am going to have to work harder in this than I do at work, why should I change?"

Here is why:

The work you do at a job will go on forever, you will work hard all your life and not have much to show for it after you retire, providing you're lucky and your job is there that long.

However, when you work for yourself yes, you work very hard. You work much harder than you would at a job if you want success...

The catch is:

There comes a point when you succeed at that point you no longer work hard anymore because your business is on auto pilot and you are on the beach somewhere.

When you work a job (the boss) or corporate decides how much you are worth.

When you own your own business "You" decide how much you are worth and I'm guessing that will be a lot more than your boss says your worth.

The choice is your but at least I have given you the perfect tool to get leads and make your life easier what I can't do is (make) you use it. Here's the link again, Click Here it's Free

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.


Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Personal Goals 6 Reasons You Need Them

Personal Goals 6 Reasons You Need Them

Do you have personal goals? Do you even feel like you need personal goals? Where do you see yourself in five years? Do you ever even think about it?

Are you one of those people that believe that life takes care of it's self? Life doesn't take care of it's self or you for that matter. You only get somewhere when you plan.

To plan you need goals so you will know how to map out a route to get where you want to be.

So, to get from Point A to Point B is...

6-1-2013 10-14-46 PM

Without personal goals you will never grow!

Six reasons you need goals

  • Helps you envision your future
  • Gives you motivation
  • Keeps your focus on what's important
  • Makes you accountable to yourself
  • Help you reach your potential
  • Live life to the fullest—Having goals and reaching them helps you live a much happier life.

You go through life doing all those things that others expect from you. Your boss expects you to do one thing, family another, friends something else and so on.

You move from one task to the next always hurrying but to where? I will tell you where...


This is why you need personal goals, to know where it is you want to go so you don't end up going nowhere.

Don't you think, it's time you started making you happy? You try and do the job your boss want to keep her/him happy.

You work hard at your job that you might possibly hate to pay the bills for your family. You would be shocked at how many people hate their jobs they just keep them because they have to pay bills.

Don't get me wrong here, if you are going to work a job (even one you hate) then yes, you should do the best you know how at that job.

If you are working to pay bills that's great because that's what you should do because you're taking care of your family.

I'm not questioning you on this what I am questioning you on is this; if you hate your job and want to change your life, what do you plan on doing about?

If your one of the lucky ones that love your job and I sincerely hope that is you, the question then is what can you do to advance in your business?

In this case, look at where you are in your company, envision where you would like to be, then set your goal to get there.

The advice I am giving you is universal and is not niche specific. This advice can be used for a work at home business, your job you work, losing weight, or anything you desire.

You can get my book by clicking below on the picture. This finishes out information started here on the blog.

personal goals

Your mind controls if you succeed or fail, the good news is "You" control your mind!

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston

Money is not at the root of all evil but,
many times not having enough to live on is…

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Get More Leads With This Free Facebook Tool 100% (FREE)

more leads

Do you want or need more leads? Then this tool is for you. It's 100% free and I've been getting leads without even trying. You will too!

The only thing better than getting leads is getting more leads and you need all you can get if you want to succeed.

Up until now getting leads was not the easiest thing in the world to do and certainly NOT the cheapest at times.

This new free tool for Facebook however has changed all of that for you. If you have not gotten this yet you are losing out big time!

Not only get leads but page likes at well when people see this, so in case you missed it...

Get it now while it's free I'm not sure how long it will last as a freebie!

more leads

Remember it's 100% free so there is no excuse for you not to get it and use it unless you really don't want more leads after all.


If you found this post useful and informational please share!

Susan J. Boston

Skype: susanjboston

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.


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How to Brand Yourself

How to Brand Yourself


How to brand yourself, well naturally I don't recommend a hot iron! However, the concept is the same. The difference is you will be branding you and not someone or something else.

Why do you need to brand yourself rather than a product? Good question

The answer is simple "You" are here to stay the current product that you are pushing may not be!

Take a look around at all the businesses that are around you right now; In a matter of months 98% of those will not be there.

So what if you have spent all those months advertising one of those brands, suddenly they are gone and you are back at square one.

You must have !00% Faith in yourself, brand yourself to others so no matter what you are doing, they will know that you know your business!

Many businesses over my 13 years on line have come and gone. Many of these  I worked very hard in only to have them fold up leaving me with nothing. Don't let this happen to...

How to brand yourself

The simple way to brand you is to choose something you love and share that with other people through a blog. If you love to teach then teach others always giving them valuable tips. Let them know above all you are always there for them!

If you enjoyed this please share

For anything else you may need please contact me on

Skype: susanjboston

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success will be yours.

Susan J Boston

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Talk to yourself?

Talk to yourself?

talk to self

Do you talk to yourself? Do you ever wonderful if that's normal? Do you feel like you are the only one that does it?

I'm and only child so talking to myself growing up was not uncommon. Throughout my adult live on occasion I would, when faced with a problem discuss possible answers with myself.

I noticed over the past few years it's worsened to the point of I also chatter away in public, grocery store, while driving and so on which left me wondering...


This is some information that I found when I did a search:

Talking to Yourself: A Sign of Sanity

Though we live in a noisy world, many people struggle with too much silence in their lives. They are either living alone or living with others who are engrossed in their own thing. (That’s easy to do in the digital age).

Sure, you can always click on the TV, the radio, or your latest digital gizmo. But what happens if you’re aching for a live person to talk to? To bounce ideas off of? To appreciate your accomplishments (big or small)?

When you’re feeling lonely, chances are you’re neglecting to give enough attention to a very special person. One who is always there with you. Who’s that? Why, you, of course. So, talk to yourself. Not just in your head. But out loud.

Read the complete article

This is a very good article about talking to yourself but this one paragraph is what caught my eye and started me thinking...

Talking with yourself not only relieves the loneliness, it may also make you smarter. It helps you clarify your thoughts, tend to what’s important and firm up any decisions you’re contemplating.

This started me thinking about the fact that my husband is not a talker and yes that has over the years many times made me lonely for social enter action.

However, up until the past few years I have had my mom to talk with so that sufficed  for my need of social contact.

Then a few years ago mom started a spiral downward spin with Alzheimer's. This has taken away her ability of conversation at least most of it to the point of a few repeated conversations with her. 

I realized when reading this article that this was about the time my "Self Talk" really erupted into full blow conversations with my self. I found many times throughout the day I was talking to myself.

Didn't much matter as to where I was at whether at home, in the car or the grocery store.

If you are a self talker I hope that you find comfort in the article I mean granted "I am nuts" all my friends tell me so LOL but it's good to know it's not certifiable!  :)

Please share my post and help others

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New Marketer Advice

New Marketer Advice


Attention new marketer chances are you need some help. Marketing is not hard although it can be very intimidating to new marketers.

There are so many different things out there and it's like being at the biggest carnival in the world with everyone yelling at you, "HURRY HURRY STEP RIGHT UP!"

Am I right?

Do you find marketers throwing words at you that you have no idea what the words are let alone understanding what they are telling you to do with them?

Hey, don't feel bad your not alone it's all a part of being new. Think back to new jobs you have worked, at first you didn't know it all but you learned it and marketing is no different. :)

My first advise to you if you are venturing into marketing is take your time. Jumping into everything that comes along is going to first of all break you financially.

Wear you down mentally and turn you off of marketing all together.

You will be bombarded with offers of the greatest businesses on the net, wonderful Pre-Launches, and so much more.

On a final note here are a few things you want to do:

First Click on The Book


  • Look at things that interest you
  • Read self help books and motivational books
  • Believe in yourself that you will do this and succeed
  • DO NOT let other marketers bully you
  • Take your time picking your business

This will get you started if you need help please contact me on Skype. If you don't have Skype you can get it for free at

My user name on Skype is:  susanjboston

Even if you are not a new marketer but just haven't found the right place or business feel free to contact me.

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success with be yours.


Susan Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Business Ethical Issues

Business Ethical Issues

Business Ethical Issues

Business ethical issues, "The black, the white and the gray." Just because something isn't really wrong certainly does NOT make it right.

No where else on Earth is this more important in business than in Internet Marketing. Most marketers when thinking of ethics, the first thing that comes to mind is Spamming.

This of course is rightly so however, there are some nuances of ethics that fall in that gray area. In this post I will be covering one particular one.

For the simple reason I really don't know what else to call this I will label it:

Business Ethical Issues

This actually covers a lot of different tactics but, I want to talk to you about only one which involves blogs.

Naturally, it could be used on Web Pages as well but you see it more on blogs.

It falls in that gray area of right and wrong.

The dilemma I am talking about is placing one of those plugins on your blog that if they comment they are automatically signed up as a lead. There are 3 responses to this when someone reads it:

  1. Anger
  2. Hey now that's a thought!
  3. Well, I"m really not sure

Those that are angered by the thought fall on the, "Wrong" side, those that are going to ask me where they can find that plugin defiantly, on the "Right" side.

Those that are really not sure will fall on the "Gray" area and use it only if they get desperate enough.

Now, down to business.

Obviously, it's not (internet police wrong) or these plugins and such would have already been band. Therefore this falls into a more personal ethics categorical decision.

Think about this in relation to yourself. Would "You" appreciate after taking your time reading someone's blog, and commenting for them finding yourself on their list?


You might at this point be thinking, "Well to each their own, I mean if it's not wrong then who cares?"

Business Ethical Issues

What one marketer does effects us all.

Remember this as you go through you dealings with other people. It's very important because not so long ago we as Marketers had a more undesirable reputation than convicts!

If you think I'm kidding here, ask some that has been in marketing for a while now. They will tell you it's been a long hard road to branding ourselves as (Real Business People) and not Charlestons,Scam Artist and Pyramid King and Queens.

Sadly we have not completed building our reputation. When someone does something that looks or feels shady it sets us back ten years.


Business Ethical Issues

Respect yourself and your career!

Susan J Boston

In marketing it's never about you and ALWAYS about the other person. Believe it, Remember it,  Practice it and success with be yours.

Skype: susanjboston

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Shortest Distance To Business Success

Learn This or Fail

travel map

Shortest distance to business success is the straightest route. Just like traveling in a car, if you take side trips it takes you longer.

If you don't learn this lesson you will never succeed; you will forever be domed to failure all your business life.

Mentors all your marketing life, if they have been worth their weight in salt, told you this time and time again "haven't they"?

Do you wonder why your not a success? It's because you never followed what they told you.

  • Get the cotton out of your ears
  • Drop the attitude "YOU" know best

and just...


(Straight line from)Point A to Point B =Business Success

I mean no disrespect to anyone. I am just giving it to you straight.

The truth of it is this, if you don't give 100% to one thing you will get 0% of everything you do.

  • Would you like a business where you sponsor won't lie to you?
  • Would you like a business where your sponsor pulls no punches?
  • Would you like a sponsor that doesn't disappear soon as you join?
  • Would you like a business that's well known and respected?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes then you have found the right place...

Click Here Now!


Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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Top Blogger

Apps Gone Wild (Attention) Facebook & Google Users

FREE App that's going to rock your world!

Apps are now mankind's best friend. Facebook Vs. Google what could possibly settle this? Is there anyway to settle this? Is there anyway "You" can Hang Out plus invite "Your" friends on Facebook instantly to join "You"?


The possibilities would be endless!

  • You could party with your friends!
  • You could have a business meeting!
  • You could discuss the meaning of life!
  • You could sell things!
  • You could teach people how to knit a rug!
  • Or------------>Infinity +


Oh, I know there's a New App for that!

Free for now but HURRY!

I am not sure how long this will remain free so hurry!

Click on the install for free!

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Top Blogger

Apps Gone Wild (Attention) Facebook & Google Users

FREE App that's going to rock your world!

Apps are now mankind's best friend. Facebook Vs. Google what could possibly settle this? Is there anyway to settle this? Is there anyway "You" can Hang Out plus invite "Your" friends on Facebook instantly to join "You"?


The possibilities would be endless!

  • You could party with your friends!
  • You could have a business meeting!
  • You could discuss the meaning of life!
  • You could sell things!
  • You could teach people how to knit a rug!
  • Or------------>Infinity +


Oh, I know there's a New App for that!

Free for now but HURRY!

I am not sure how long this will remain free so hurry!

Click on the install for free!

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Top Blogger

Web Tools Are A Must 2 Things "You" Need to Know!

Web tools are designed to help "You" not only succeed but to actually build the website it's self.

There are numerous tools available to those wishing to build a website at varying cost levels. There are two things you need to know...

  • Rarely can you find all the tools you need in one spot.
  • Rarer still is finding them (all) at a price that anyone can afford.

Granny Knows Tools2

Web tools are something that you must have to run a web site. This has nothing to do with whether you have an online business or off-line business.

If you want a presents on the web you MUST have web tools to build and enter act with customers.

Without web hosting  you have no site at all. Without Email marketing, auto responders, and News release systems you have no contact with your client.

There are many good hosting companies, tool companies, auto-responder and email services out there. Problem is they are scattered everywhere.

What does this mean to you? It means, to have all you need there's a lot of URLs to keep up with. You spend 1/2 of your time moving from one site to another for tools.

But, what if there was one place you could get all this plus a lot more for what you would normally pay for only one of the services mentioned?

There is!

5-26-2013 9-08-02 Arrow


Tools are your success!

Susan J Boston

Skype: susanjboston

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